If you are like me, you enjoy trying new wines. This means pacing back and forth amongst the rows and rows of wines at Bevmo or the grocery store, trying to make sure you have something novel and interesting that doesn't taste like lark vomit. But alas, no matter how much you try, lark's vomit does indeed happen from time to time. This is not disasterous unless you are taking it to a dinner party, or worse, a home for dinner with the boss.
How do you prevent these tastebud terrors? Use your iPhone and grab the Wine Ratings app from iTunes.
Designed for use within restaurants, this app shows you a picture of the label and a rating very quickly. It has the largest database of any wine app on the market, I have yet to find a wine that it doesn't contain.
It also shows the average price, which allows you to see if you are getting a good deal or getting taken for a ride!
I love the pairings guide, and the Quick Picks are very useful if you want to plan what you pick up before hitting the store. Here is what you see when you click on an individual wine:
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this app! At $3.99, it was a bargain as it has undoubtedly saved me from many bad purchases.